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Whole Body Vibration (WBV)

Whole Body Vibration (WBV) uses a wobble board that sends tiny vibrations through your whole body. For our little ones with low muscle tone (hypotonia), the vibration provides strong sensory input to the muscles, encouraging them to wake up, and helping them get stronger. On the flip side, for our little ones with high muscle tone (hypertonia), vibration delivered at a high frequency soothes spastic muscles, helping them relax so that little can find their balance.


Enhanced Brain-Body Communication

Whole body vibration, a form of neuro-muscular re-education, enhances communication between the brain and the body. When exercises are performed on the vibration plates, the plates impart a rapid burst of energy, triggering the involuntary stretch reflex and causing muscles to contract and relax multiple times per second. The high frequency of vibrations, coupled with the plates’ alternating tilt, induces rhythmic muscle contractions, resembling a human gait and mirroring the pelvic movements during walking.


Enhanced Brain-Body Communication

Whole body vibration, a form of neuro-muscular re-education, enhances communication between the brain and the body. When exercises are performed on the vibration plates, the plates impart a rapid burst of energy, triggering the involuntary stretch reflex and causing muscles to contract and relax multiple times per second. The high frequency of vibrations, coupled with the plates’ alternating tilt, induces rhythmic muscle contractions, resembling a human gait and mirroring the pelvic movements during walking.


Sensory Processing

This process results in the brain receiving numerous signals, fostering neuroplasticity, which, in turn, contributes to motor relearning. For our little ones with low muscle tone (hypotonia), the vibration provides strong sensory input to the muscles, encouraging them to wake up, and helping them get stronger. On the flip side, for our little ones with high muscle tone (hypertonia), vibration delivered at a high frequency soothes spastic muscles, helping them relax and make movement easier. The outcome is an overall improvement in sensory processing and organization, which is huge for our kiddos that may have limitations in sensory and/or motor systems.

Benefits of WBV

  • Improves posture
  • Improves balance reactions
  • Improves muscle strength
  • Improves sensory processing
  • Decreases spasticity
  • Improves weight bearing for bone health

For more information about booking therapy sessions for your child, contact Dr. Sunny!